The Cruising Kiwis

The Cruising Kiwis are a New Zealand family of five: Rob (51+), Rachel (21ish), Finn (21), Declan (19), Ivan (16) who are heading around the world on their trusty Fountaine Pajot Belize 43.

They  have taken our children out of school to educate outside the classroom and learn from nature and new cultures.

They have been living aboard for over three years and have many miles under their belts while having a load of fun along the way.

if you are interested in the sailing grounds in Asia including Thailand, Indonesia and Cambodia, then this is a great channel for some ideas. And they've got some good tips on Australia as well.

They have done some useful summaries covering the cost of the cruising lifestyle if you need some help with your budgeting.

the cruising kiwis youtube


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